8 Tips to Deposit More Money Into Your Savings Account
Sometimes, saving money can seem impossible. You work hard and often have grand ideas to put more into your savings account each year, but don’t always meet your goals. Whether you are saving for a down payment on a new home, education, or a dream vacation, if dropping more money into your savings account is a goal, we have some ideas for how you can get started.
Choose the Right Type of Savings Account For Your Goals
Did you know that certain types of savings accounts can help you more than others? From accounts that yield high interest, to investment accounts, having a conversation with your local banker will help you select an account that can help you maximize your savings over time! Who doesn’t want a little extra money for (literally) doing no additional work?
Do a Subscription Check
In today’s digital age, it’s easy to subscribe to things using your debit card online or by using a service such as Paypal to have those monthly fees deducted straight from your checking account. Did you subscribe to a television station just to watch your favorite show and are still paying for it after the season ended? Did you buy an app on your phone last year only to forget that it was a yearly subscription cost and renews on a certain date? Doing a subscription check can really help you save money. Many services will even allow you to pay a reduced fee throughout the time that you don’t use their service if you choose not to cancel, or offer you a few months free, so it definitely pays to do your research.
Pay Off High-Interest Debt
Paying off a debt that is costing you more money in interest is a great way to be able to toss extra money toward your savings. Speaking to your local banker about moving credit card debt and other debt into lower interest loans with more manageable payments could be a great option for you!
Creating a budget might seem daunting at first, but there are many apps now (such as Every Dollar, or YNAB) that will help you track and assign each dollar. You could also use tools such as an Excel spreadsheet, or a simple notebook to help you track monthly expenses. Using tools that allow you to visually see what you are spending will show you that if you didn’t use your total budgeted amount, how much you could put toward your savings account! For instance, if you have $250 allocated for your electric bill and it was only $195 this month, that’s an extra $55 you can put in savings!
Set up an Auto Debit to your Savings Account
Trying to save up money, but don’t have much time? Use online banking to set up a recurring auto debit from your checking to your savings account each month. This recurring transaction can help you mindlessly save money, and can add up rather quickly depending on how much you transfer!
Switch to Cash for Impulse Purchases
If you withdraw a certain amount each month to spend solely on impulse purchases (things you didn’t originally budget for or plan on spending), having cash will often make you think twice about if you really need it or not. At the end of the month, whatever you don’t spend, save toward your next month. Eventually, you will start to see the savings pile up and you’ll be able to make a deposit into your account that you feel proud of.
De-stash for Cash
Have a bunch of unused items sitting around your house? Get rid of them for extra money! Many apps, such as Decluttr, Let Go, Mercari, Facebook Marketplace, and even eBay can help you get rid of unwanted items around your home, and put extra money in your pocket. Have kids that grow out of clothes quickly? Tech that expires every few years? Books? A simple Google search online can show you the places where you could earn some extra bucks for selling your stuff and save that money for a rainy day!
Revisit Your Monthly Payments
Have you been paying for a service for years and just let it go on autopilot? If so, contact the company to see if there are any updated and cheaper plans available to you! Often cell phone, internet, and cable providers come out with new services or bundles that could save you money each month. Also, check in with your insurance agent to re-evaluate your coverage and plans yearly. Every bit of savings starts to add up!
We hope that you were able to pick up a few tips on saving some extra money. Which appeal to you most? If you’d like to discuss our savings account options, please contact your local branch and we would be more than happy to help set you up for success with your savings goals!