Supporting Our Local Communities

We are proud of our employees for the way they step up and volunteer for local activities. Guaranty Bank sponsors events, helping serve our communities. You will see our employees and sponsorships at the BB King Festival, Catfish Festival and many other events in the area.
Guaranty Bank and our employees give time and money to worthy activities in our community such as the toy drive benefitting the patients at St. Jude Hospital, among many other causes. Through promoting messages on social media channels to volunteering at events, we aim to serve.
We host community events throughout the year focused on educating small business owners and our banking customers. From basic personal banking to personal financial management to more complex business concerns, our experts deliver professional advice and insight. It’s our privilege and duty to ensure that we provide both services and products to our customers which give them the power and knowledge to leverage these products for the most benefit. Specifically for young adults, we offer a financial education program called Money Smart for Youth that provides tools and resources to prepare them for their future.